One Time Too Many

Resti Ghita Pribadi, Bandung, 2012
Nikon FM2 | Kodak Colorplus 200

Photoshoot sesh with UNPAR's photography club: Potret. Once again, these photos came out from 'blue edition' kodak. So I had to edit the tone and I figured that monochrome is never wrong.

As for the wardrobe/concept/make-up, I wasn't invovled. We were all there just to shoot the models and thanks to my 50mm Nikkor lens, I love how the photos turn out. 

Axis x Vista

In architecture, the basis of designing comes down to the '6 Ordering Principles.' It includes symmetry, hierarchy, datum, rhythm, transformation, and last but not least, axis.
Axis: A line established by two points in space, about whch forms and spaces can be arranged in a symmetrical or balanced manner.
One of the things that axis can create, other than symmetry and a balanced order, is vista. Vista can be defined as a confined view, usually towards a dominant element, or in simple terms it's like when you overlook beyond a window or a gate. I guess these four photos represents axis and vista. 

Bandung, 2012
1)  Somewhere in Lembang 2) Cicalengka - Stasiun Hall 3) Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 4) Stasiun Hall, Bandung

The story behind these photos is that they weren't taken with black and white films, but then the Kodak Colorplus 200 that I used had some emulsion problems which caused these photos to have a hideous tone, and so are the rest of the photos from the 4 film rolls I've recently just developed :(

A brief update about my life: February will be one hectic month, most definitely. I am consumed with activities + assignments. Hopefully I have some spare time just to breathe... Wish me luck xx