I met Hendar, a.k.a. Popsickle, a year ago in Bandung. We were both freshmen in college under the same faculty and major. I can't recall the first time we met or the first time we introduced ourselves, but what I can remember is the moment I labelled him trios-worthy (a person with a great sense of style that I need to feature in this blog). We were getting ready to head out for dinner with a couple of friends. I was in my sweater, t-shirt and jeans, and so were my friends. Then I saw Hendar putting on a Frank Ocean-inspired bandana (the one he's wearing in the first 3 photos). I asked him, 'why are you wearing that?' He said, 'I have to wear something on my head, if it's not a cap or a hat, it's got to be something else, as long as I'm wearing one.' It was a conversation that he probably didn't remember, but for me, it was his fashion-statement.
From then on, I kept telling him 'we have to do a photo shoot' a million times but we never actually set the time, theme and place, well.....until now.